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Growers Plan Ahead!

Ready for next season? We are! Get 20% off your orders for Spring and Summer 2024 by placing your deposit before February 28, 2025!


Our Mission

1. To produce the highest quality plants, free of disease and pests in a sustainable and environmentally sound way.


2. To use innovative greenhouse technologies to provide the best quality cannabis products.


3. To establish and maintain strong relationships with fellow cannabis companies, supporting markets, and our customers.


Oregon's #1
Strain Experts

Cultivate the best strains for

your growing technique.

Next Gen is here to assist you in cultivating the finest cannabis. We're passionate about helping you grow premium cannabis. We provide high-quality clones and are here to guide you through selecting the perfect cultivar depending on your climate and preferences. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you take your grow to the next level.

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cannabis plants in a greenhouse with lights

A Green Approach

Since our founding in 2014, we have built amazing partnerships with producers and passionate growers. We value the expertise that others share with us, along with fantastic cannabis cultivars, so we want to share this with you! We bring together a knowledgeable team and a diverse inventory of strains to best serve our clients. We specialize in propagating the best strains in Oregon, to provide the tools that growers need to produce beautiful flower. 

Strain List


Growing Notes



Where To Find Us

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